The Harpy's Nest

December 24, 2022

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(Excuse the obnoxious color of the back button, I need to rename some things in my CSS but I'll do that later.)

Cool! My first blog post! Turns out coding a website is a special flavor of hell, especially if you want to have a responsive art gallery that makes bigger images with captions when you click on them. I swear, I've tried six different ways and nothing works, except one time I managed to get it to work- for all of twelve seconds, before it stopped. I have no idea what I broke.

Whatever. I'll get back to working on that when everything else is set up and ready, otherwise I'll be stuck on it 'till late 2023.

But yeah, my website! I've always loved the appeal of a fully customizable personal site, but am juuust young enough that I missed them when they were the norm, before social media became all same-y. Thankfully Neocities is here and it's really easy (theoretically) to learn coding online, so here I am!

This site is mostly gonna be a repository for my artistic... stuff, of various kinds, as well as a place where I can point to cool stuff I've found or that other people have made.

And I would be remiss if I didn't immediately point to the one person that really convinced me to take the dive: Monty!

With his creation of the HallaHaven Pendragon fansite, I realized that this might be something that I can actually do, and not something that only people who have formal training in coding and professional jobs and all that can. So I did it! Everybody say "thank you Monty!" (and go check out the fansite, it's amazing!)

I think that's it for my first blog post. This site is still technically in like, version 0.7, but I'll make sure to make another one when I deem it ready! (or at least as ready as it can be- I'm gonna be fiddling with the art gallery setup forever, I can tell you now).

Happy Holidays!